Aku N Aku

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nama aku bukan seperti diatas, tp name di atas tu la kawan2 aku panggil aku, keunikan name ku tu la yg aku suke... diriku begitu berharga utk diriku dan family ku.... aku ni jenis yg biase je, x byk ckp la gak, eh yeke? ntah ek, ade yg ckp aku ni byk ckp tp pd aku aku ni jenis yg susah nak berborak ngan org... that y la ade yg ckp aku ni sombong, hehehe.... so, kalau nk tau kenali la aku disini ye....

Friday 1 April 2011

'If it has hair, it can be made bare'. That's right, this is what happens when you go waxing.

'If it has hair, it can be made bare'. That's right, this is what happens when you go waxing.

Summer Waxing uses imported wax which is friendly for even sensitive skin. Apart from treating vanity, waxing helps to slow the regrowth of new hair, lighten pigmentation by sloughing away dead skin layers, and treat painful ingrown hair. And best of all , it is painless!



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